Publication date: 2022
UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 2 In 2021, UNFPA continued to respond to the needs of women and girls with speed and ingenuity, despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In defiance of serious disruptions to family planning supply chains and services, overburdened health systems, and a rising tide of gender-based violence, the organization recorded its highest performance in achieving key outputs of its four-year strategic plan. UNFPA’s humanitarian operations alone reached more than 29 million women with sexual and reproductive health information and services, supported 1.5 million safe deliveries, and assisted millions of survivors of gender-based violence this year. Telehealth services, online and phone-based psychosocial support, and digital learning have been seamlessly integrated into many programmes and operations, allowing UNFPA to reach more people, in more demanding environments, than ever before. These successes are a testament to the insight, vision and leadership of our field offices around the world. They also highlight UNFPA’s strengthened collaboration with and support for community-based, women-led and feminist-driven organizations. We saw this in the East and Southern Africa region, where UNFPA worked with diverse stakeholders to ensure ownership of, and buy-in to, programmes at all levels — from collaborating with faith leaders to prevent female genital mutilation, to advocating for minimum age of consent in marriage laws and training government agencies on data collection. In Latin America and the Caribbean, UNFPA focused on national, regional and international efforts to uphold the rights of excluded people, including through comprehensive strategies to reach and empower marginalized groups. UNFPA also rose to the challenge amid increasing calls for support on demographic issues. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, UNFPA’s priorities included responding to demographic challenges, culminating in the launch of the Decade of Demographic Resilience, which aims to galvanize action based on evidence and human rights. In West and Central Africa, UNFPA worked through the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend project to address issues affecting education and employment, A YEAR IN REVIEW © UNFPA Jordan A YEAR IN REVIEW universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and gender equality. In the Arab States region, there was a focus on public advocacy and service provision, along with the launch of a tool to track and measure progress in securing sexual and reproductive health and rights. And in the Asia and the Pacific region, UNFPA was able to ensure life- saving services for women and girls in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and more, while also intensifying advocacy for population policies embedded in human rights. UNFPA is now closing the chapter on its 2018-2021 Strategic Plan, a period that saw both unprecedented ambition — in the form of UNFPA’s transformative results — and unprecedented tumult. That experience has strengthened our organization. We are undeterred in our goals and secure in the knowledge that we can, and we will, continue to deliver for women and girls. 2.3 MILLION survivors of gender- based violence received essential services 5 MILLION unsafe abortions were prevented* 4.9 MILLION marginalized girls were reached by life-skills programmes 82,000 new HIV infections were averted* 31,000 gender-based violence survivors with disabilities received essential services 1.5 MILLION safe deliveries assisted in 29 humanitarian crisis-affected countries 3 MILLION girls received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage 12.7 MILLION unintended pregnancies were prevented* 39,000 maternal deaths were averted* 1.9 MILLION survivors of female genital mutilation received essential services DELIVERING WORLDWIDE *Global impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 4 © UNFPA Zambia MALE CONDOMS 744,371,136 FEMALE CONDOMS 7,930,300 ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES/THE PILL (IN MONTHLY CYCLES) 64,614,408 DOSES OF INJECTABLES 36,734,143 IMPLANTS 6,365,089 INTRAUTERINE DEVICES (IUD) 1,146,666 EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVES 1,883,900 TUBES OF LUBRICANTS 175,414,935 CONTRACEPTION PROVIDED BY UNFPA WORLDWIDE DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 5 RESOURCES AND EXPENSES 2021 Donor US$ Sweden 64,105,586 Norway 54,271,357 Germany 47,769,765 Netherlands 40,490,798 Finland 39,379,475 Denmark 37,134,841 United States of America 30,800,000 Switzerland 17,410,229 Japan 16,000,000 Canada 12,206,573 Donor US$ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 10,936,994 Belgium 10,701,546 Australia 6,564,651 New Zealand 4,297,994 Ireland 4,103,165 Luxembourg 3,631,961 Italy 3,026,634 Pakistan 1,677,108 China 1,480,000 France 1,232,311 Donor US$ United Nations and Interorganizational transfers 247,443,828 Canada 73,239,960 United States of America 62,533,445 Sweden 61,559,737 European Commission 58,936,882 Norway 54,398,825 Netherlands 51,846,851 Denmark 50,244,072 Bangladesh 38,800,000 Korea, Republic of 36,695,868 Donor US$ Australia 34,287,105 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 26,057,558 France 24,764,604 Anonymous 20,000,000 Japan 19,507,127 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 17,828,945 Democratic Republic of the Congo 17,589,919 Switzerland 16,270,711 Western African Health Organization 15,980,000 Finland 14,614,447 1 These amounts represent the contribution revenue recorded for 2021 core resources. 2 The amounts represent contribution revenue for trust funds. They includes multi-year co-financing agreements which were recognized in 2021, in accordance with UNFPA accounting policies. Programme implementation continues to be linked to actual receipt of resources. * All figures are provisional as of 1 April 2022. Contributions in United States dollars NON-CORE CONTRIBUTIONS2 CORE CONTRIBUTIONS1 TOP 20 DONORS TO UNFPA* DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 6 Donor US$ Afghanistan 1,000 Albania 5,000 Algeria 10,000 Armenia 3,000 Australia 6,564,651 Austria 232,558 Bangladesh 35,000 Belgium 10,701,546 Bhutan 5,925 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 6,000 Botswana 4,675 Bulgaria 11,723 Burkina Faso 10,911 Canada 12,206,573 China 1,480,000 Comoros 942 Costa Rica 4,614 Cuba 5,000 Denmark 37,134,841 Egypt 24,762 Eritrea 5,000 Estonia 70,505 Eswatini 60,000 Ethiopia 1,390 Finland 39,379,475 France 1,232,311 Gambia 3,868 Georgia 20,000 Germany 47,769,765 Ghana 30,000 Guinea-Bissau 2,000 Guyana 2,815 Honduras 2,671 Iceland 541,084 India 500,000 Indonesia 13,131 Donor US$ Iraq 50,000 Ireland 4,103,165 Israel 10,000 Italy 3,026,634 Japan 16,000,000 Jordan 49,930 Kazakhstan 10,000 Kenya 10,000 Korea, Republic of 195,608 Kyrgyzstan 50 Liechtenstein 27,115 Luxembourg 3,631,961 Madagascar 14,091 Malawi 11,993 Malaysia 15,000 Mauritania 3,449 Mauritius 2,503 Mexico 55,583 Micronesia (Federated States of) 3,000 Mongolia 4,000 Morocco 11,742 Myanmar 2,760 Nepal 5,010 Netherlands 40,490,798 New Zealand 4,297,994 Nicaragua 2,500 Niger 118,952 Norway 54,271,357 Pakistan 1,677,108 Panama 10,000 Peru 1,082 Philippines 23,827 Portugal 242,117 Qatar 29,960 Republic of Moldova 3,000 Romania 10,000 Donor US$ Russian Federation 300,000 Rwanda 5,000 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,000 Saudi Arabia 500,000 Senegal 11,870 Serbia 5,000 Singapore 5,000 Slovakia 6,036 South Africa 41,859 Sri Lanka 18,000 Sudan 30,000 Sweden 64,105,586 Switzerland 17,410,229 Tajikistan 797 Thailand 150,000 Togo 21,471 Tonga 995 Trinidad and Tobago 5,000 Turkmenistan 7,000 Uganda 10,147 Ukraine 25,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 10,936,994 United Arab Emirates 10,000 United States of America 30,800,000 UpSpring LLC 55,944 Uzbekistan 10,000 Viet Nam 40,000 Zambia 5,308 Zimbabwe 30,000 Private contributions 1,230,170 Subtotal 412,283,428 Government contributions to local office costs 294,192 Total 412,577,621 ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS CORE RESOURCES DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 7 In millions of US dollars REVENUE CORE RESOURCES Contributions to core resources 412.6 Less: transfer to other revenue for reimbursement of tax charges (4.7) Other revenue 103.9 Total core resources revenue 511.8 NON-CORE RESOURCES Contributions to non-core resources – gross 1,051.5 Less: refunds to donors (6.4) Less: indirect costs (58.9) Less: allowance for doubtful contributions receivable (1.2) Other revenue 8.5 Total non-core resources revenue 993.5 TOTAL REVENUE 1,505.3 EXPENSES CORE RESOURCES Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions (GRI) and other programme activities 249.2 Institutional budget 186.7 Corporate 13.8 Total core resources expenses 449.7 NON-CORE RESOURCES Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions (GRI) and other programme activities 837.2 Corporate 13.8 Total non-core resources expenses 851.0 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,300.7 *All figures are provisional, subject to external audit and, as a result of rounding, may not add up to the totals. REVENUE AND EXPENSES 2021 DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 8 PROGRAMME AND INSTITUTIONAL BUDGET EXPENSES BY REGION In millions of US dollars COUNTRY PROGRAMMES, GRI AND OTHER PROGRAMME ACTIVITIES Institutional budgetREGION Core resources Non-core resources Total Per cent East and Southern Africa 55.1 165.2 21.2 241.5 19.0 West and Central Africa 49.0 137.5 19.8 206.3 16.2 Arab States 27.9 176.6 13.1 217.6 17.1 Asia and the Pacific 56.4 121.6 19.9 197.9 15.5 Latin America and the Caribbean 26.3 36.9 13.7 76.9 6.0 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 16.1 43.6 7.4 67.1 5.3 Global and regional interventions—global 18.4 - - 18.4 1.5 Global activities - 155.8 91.6 247.4 19.4 Total 249.2 837.2 186.7 1,273.1 100.0 Global and regional interventions – global 1.5% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 5.3% Global activities 19.4% Latin America and the Caribbean 6.0% Asia and the Pacific 15.5% Arab States 17.1% West and Central Africa 16.2% East and Southern Africa 19.0% DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 9 PROGRAMME EXPENSES BY COUNTRY Includes core and non-core resources COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Angola 3.3 Botswana 1.2 Burundi 4.1 Comoros 1.4 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 26.9 Eritrea 1.3 Eswatini 1.4 Ethiopia 21.3 Kenya 6.9 Lesotho 1.4 Madagascar 7.9 Malawi 16.2 Mauritius 0.2 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Mozambique 22.9 Namibia 1.6 Rwanda 3.4 South Africa 2.5 South Sudan 20.8 Uganda 24.1 United Republic of Tanzania 17.3 Zambia 10.1 Zimbabwe 15 Total country/territory activities 211.2 Regional activities 9.1 Total for East and Southern Africa 220.30 AFRICA, EAST AND SOUTHERN © UNFPA Mozambique / Mbuto Machili AFRICA, WEST AND CENTRAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Benin 7.3 Burkina Faso 12.9 Cabo Verde 0.7 Cameroon 10.5 Central African Republic 4.4 Chad 8.1 Congo, Republic of the 2.3 Côte d’ivoire 10.1 Equatorial Guinea 1.5 Gabon 1 Gambia 3.4 Ghana 7.1 Guinea 7.6 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Guinea-Bissau 2.3 Liberia 7.9 Mali 17.6 Mauritania 2.3 Niger 22.2 Nigeria 25.3 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.7 Senegal 7.5 Sierra Leone 8.9 Togo 5 Total country/territory activities 176.6 Regional activities 9.9 Total for West and Central Africa 186.5 © UNFPA Senegal DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 11 ARAB STATES COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Algeria 0.5 Djibouti 1.5 Egypt 13.4 Iraq 24.8 Jordan 11.1 Lebanon 6.6 Libya 6.1 Morocco 2.2 Oman 1.2 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Somalia 26.4 State of Palestine 7.4 Sudan 16.4 Syrian Arab Republic 29.4 Tunisia 1.2 Yemen 50.4 Total country/territory activities 198.6 Regional activities 5.9 Total for Arab States 204.5 © UNFPA Morocco COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Afghanistan 13.7 Bangladesh 50.5 Bhutan 0.6 Cambodia 2.6 China 2.5 India 9 Indonesia 7.1 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4 Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of 0.8 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2.7 Malaysia 0.4 Maldives 0.6 Mongolia 3 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Myanmar 14.2 Nepal 8.6 Pacific Islands (multi-country)1 11.2 Pakistan 13.4 Papua New Guinea 5 Philippines 7.5 Sri Lanka 2 Thailand 1 Timor-Leste 2.3 Viet Nam 7.7 Total country/territory activities 170.4 Regional activites 7.6 Total for Asia and the Pacific 178.0 1 Figures for the Pacific Islands (multi-country) covers the following countries: Cook Islands; Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Federated States of Micronesia; Nauru; Niue; Palau; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; and Vanuatu. ASIA AND THE PACIFIC © UNFPA Morocco © UNFPA Fiji DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 13 EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA ©UNFPA Ukraine/Andrii Krepkyh COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Albania 1.3 Armenia 1.1 Azerbaijan 1.4 Belarus 1.1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.9 Georgia 1.4 Kazakhstan 1.3 Kosovo* 1.1 Kyrgyzstan 2 North Macedonia 0.6 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Republic of Moldova 2.5 Serbia 0.6 Tajikistan 2.6 Türkiye 23.2 Turkmenistan 1.1 Ukraine 7.8 Uzbekistan 3.1 Total country/territory activities 54.1 Regional activities 5.6 Total for Eastern Europe and Central Asia 59.7 *References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Argentina 1 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 3.1 Brazil 3 Caribbean (multi-country)2 4.1 Chile 0.1 Colombia 4.5 Costa Rica 0.7 Cuba 0.8 Dominican Republic 1.2 Ecuador 2.2 El Salvador 2.6 Guatemala 3.3 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ Haiti 11.6 Honduras 3.9 Mexico 5 Nicaragua 2.4 Panama 0.9 Paraguay 1.5 Peru 1.5 Uruguay 1.5 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2.4 Total country/territory activities 57.3 Regional projects 5.9 Total for Latin America and the Caribbean 63.2 2 Figures for the Caribbean (multi-country) covers the following countries and territories: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Curaçao; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica, Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; St. Lucia; St. Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sint Maarten (Dutch part); Suriname; Turks and Caicos; and Trinidad and Tobago. ©UNFPA Haiti/Ralph Tedy Erol LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 15 DELIVERING ON THE 2018-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN The 2018-2021 Strategic Plan was the first of three consecutive strategic plans designed to guide UNFPA in contributing to the achievement of the three transformative results and Sustainable Development Goals. Yet these four years also saw the emergence of serious obstacles to this mission. In addition to the global pandemic, the world witnessed widening inequalities, rising threats from climate change and mutiple, overlapping humanitarian crises. Opposition to sexual and reproductive health and rights remained strong around the world, and levels of official development assistance to support sexual and reproductive health and rights fell. Available data indicate that progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals has been insufficient. Despite the adversity, UNFPA did make significant cumulative progress in achieving its intended results and targets: Humanitarian response and reach increased. The number of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants increased by 17 per cent in 2014-2020 compared to 2007-2013, and in UNFPA priority countries, the number increased by 44 per cent. Seventy-three per cent of countries now have laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and services for women and men aged 15 years and older; these countries achieved the end-of-plan target by 97 per cent. Progress was also made towards achieving UNFPA’s three transformative results – ending preventable maternal deaths, ending unmet need for family planning, and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices. In some cases, the pace of progress even accelerated over rates seen the previous decade. However, further acceleration is needed to meet our objectives. Ending preventable maternal deaths Between 2000 and 2017, the world saw a 35 per cent reduction in maternal mortality. New global estimates are not yet available to show progress made in 2017-2021. Still, there are indications that increased investments in maternal health and health system strengthening are having an impact — including the growing number of midwives trained to international standards. Tragically, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, progress proved too slow to reach the Sustainable Development Goal target on reducing maternal mortality, and there is evidence that the pandemic may have negatively affected these efforts. Ending the unmet need for family planning Unmet need for family planning declined between 2018-2021, and the rate of decline was slightly greater in some regions compared to the previous four-year period. Globally, 49 per cent of women or their partners were using at least one method of contraception, representing an achievement of 77 per cent of the strategic plan target. And by 2021, 77 per cent of women of reproductive age were meeting their family planning needs with modern methods, representing an achievement of 93 per cent of the strategic plan target. Still, the rate of reduction is not sufficient to end the unmet need for family planning by 2030. Globally, the proportion of women of reproductive age who have an unmet need for family planning remained around 9 per cent in the past two decades. The most recent data show that nearly half of all pregnancies worldwide are unintended, and many result in unsafe abortions; this contributes to the high number of maternal deaths. DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 16 200,000 maternal deaths were averted* 450,000 new HIV infections were averted* 570,000 girls were saved from female genital mutilation 22 MILLION unsafe abortions were prevented* 12.5 MILLION safe deliveries were assisted in humanitarian crisis-affected countries 50,500 women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment 71.4 MILLION unintended pregnancies were prevented* 255 MILLION couple years of protections for contraceptives procured by UNFPA Ending gender-based violence and all harmful practices, including female genital mutilation and child, early and forced marriage Data on the global prevalence of gender-based violence remains scarce, and pandemic-related disruptions have hindered the collection of reliable data during the past four years. Data from 2000 to 2018 indicates that an estimated 736 million women – almost 1 in 3 – have been subjected to intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence or both at least once during their lifetime. Further evidence during the pandemic, such as calls to helplines and online search results, point to the rise of a so-called shadow pandemic of gender-based violence during COVID-19 lockdowns. Despite these grim facts, there are promising signs that attitudes and norms are changing around the world. Global commitments at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD in 2019 and at the Generation Equality forum in 2021 showed strong international conviction that progress for humanity cannot be achieved without the safety and participation of women and girls. Since 2000, the prevalence of female genital mutilation has declined by 25 per cent, with a faster rate of reduction seen between 2015 and 2020 compared to the period from 2010 to 2015. Additionally, data show us that 25 million child marriages were averted in the past decade, thanks to accelerated progress in eliminating the practice. Still, as is the case with all of UNFPA’s transformative results, the pace of decline has been uneven, and it remains insufficient to meet the 2030 target. As the organization embarks on the next phase of its journey to 2030, its 2022-2025 strategic plan, the lessons from these last four years will be critical. They show us that progress can be made even under seemingly impossible conditions. Now we must dramatically accelerate that progress with investment and action. CUMULATIVE RESULTS 2018–2021 *Global impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA. DELIVERING ON THE TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS, UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2021 • 17 © UNFPA Mozambique / Mbuto Machili Ensuring rights and choices for all United Nations Population Fund 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 1-212-297-5000 • • @UNFPA Cover photo © UNFPA Mozambique / Mbuto Machili
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