Costed Implementation Plans for Family Planning: Standard Elements Checklist
Publication date: 2015
Costed Implementation Plans for Family Planning Standard Elements Checklist March 2015 Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit Produced by: Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 2 Contact Us Health Policy Project 1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004 Phone: (202) 775-9680 Email: Disclaimer The information provided in this document is not official U.S. Government information and does not necessarily represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development. The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10- 00067, beginning September 30, 2010. It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Avenir Health (formerly Futures Institute), Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA). Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 3 STANDARD ELEMENTS CHECKLIST Countries have developed costed implementation plans (CIPs) for family planning (FP) using a variety of approaches and tools. As the CIP becomes a more common tool for planning and mobilizing resources, standardization of its format and development process can help promote accountability and ensure that all key components are considered. The following checklist presents recommended thematic areas and standards to guide overall CIP development. These areas include demand creation; service delivery and access; contraceptive security; policy and enabling environment; financing; and stewardship, management, and accountability. Country ownership and local needs are foremost in the design and development of a CIP, so this list should not be viewed as mandatory or prescriptive. However, these standards frame a common approach to CIP development, balancing the goal of the highest quality and most comprehensive plan possible with the desire to develop CIPs expediently and in alignment with countries’ capacities to implement and monitor their plans. If it is unclear whether the plan meets one of the standards listed, or it meets some but not all of the aspects of the standard, make notes in the comments column to facilitate follow-up. Overall CIP Standards All activities and priorities proposed in a CIP should meet the following standards: Yes Partial No Comments Is the plan evidence-based in its use of supporting data and in practices and interventions? Is the plan driven by government and informed by deep engagement, consultation, and joint decision making with key stakeholders, including donors, civil society organizations, service providers, and community representatives, including marginalized populations and underserved communities? Does the plan include clearly defined goals (e.g., contraceptive prevalence) based on FP2020 or other international commitments, with specific results to be tracked annually? Is the plan informed by a comprehensive assessment, such as a situation analysis, of the country-specific factors that drive and impede progress toward achieving the country’s family planning goals? Does the plan promote a rights-based approach that incorporates voluntarism, nondiscrimination, universal access, informed choice, equality, equity, client- Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 4 Overall CIP Standards All activities and priorities proposed in a CIP should meet the following standards: Yes Partial No Comments centered care, quality, transparency, and accountability? Does the plan include the scale-up of successful in- country and regional programs as well as global high- impact practices, such as task shifting, empowerment of community health workers, new technologies to improve service provision and communication, and the effective integration of family planning within other health programs? Demand Creation Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan include a strategy to reach new or underserved populations while continuing to meet the needs of existing users? Are key populations (e.g., young people, the poor, and populations in rural and remote areas) and the gender, social, and cultural barriers that impede their access addressed in the strategy and prioritized if they are underserved? Does the demand creation strategy include interventions that are appropriate and effective for target audiences? Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 5 Service Delivery and Access Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan promote access to a full range of contraceptive methods, including emergency, short-acting, long-acting, reversible, and permanent methods? Does the plan include interventions to expand access to family planning through various service delivery platforms beyond private and public sector facilities (e.g., community distribution, mobile outreach, drug shops, and pharmacies)? Does the plan address health worker shortages, level of capacity, and quality of care at facility and community levels? Does the plan promote health systems strengthening, including non-FP-specific activities and interventions (e.g., health information systems, governance, and leadership)? Contraceptive Security Yes Partial No Comments Are multi-year commodity supply planning and forecasts included in the plan and are they • Informed by data from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors? • Demand-driven? • Addressing the baseline and anticipated FP landscape based on the CIP activities and projected resources? Are contraceptive commodities, supplies, and equipment, including a full method mix, included within the essential medicine supply chain? Are activities included to improve the supply chain operating model (e.g., forecasting, tracking, financing, and procurement); infrastructure; and logistics system? Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 6 Policy and Enabling Environment Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan reflect the integration of family planning across other sectors and embed it in larger health and development strategies? Does the plan reflect the prioritization of family planning by national leadership—for example, through commitments to sign the CIP and increased national funding? Does the plan include clear and differentiated advocacy strategies to address various policy, political, social, and cultural barriers to an enabling environment? Does the plan include estimates of demographic, health, and economic impacts of its goal(s) being achieved? Financing Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan include a consistent and transparent methodology for costing, in alignment with national budgeting used by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, or their equivalents? Are the national government, private sector, and donors jointly included in the resource mobilization strategy? Are implementation and tracking of government budget line item(s) for FP commodities and programs included in the strategy? Are defined strategies for public-private partnerships and/or innovative financing models (e.g., social marketing, private provider networks) included in the plan? Does the plan identify the financing gap based on the cost estimates in the CIP and available funding? Does the plan include a description of how additional resources will be mobilized to execute the plan? Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 7 Stewardship, Management, and Accountability Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan include a clear governance structure and coordination framework to guide implementation? Does the plan include a clear implementation calendar with detailed sub-activities and responsibilities? Does the plan clearly outline priority activities for implementation? Does the plan require regular joint stakeholder reviews and progress reports to senior management (e.g., scorecards)? Does the plan include a clear public accountability mechanism so that its implementation and results are transparent? Are institutional arrangements for performance management and supervision of the plan outlined, including a strategic approach to ensure the required in-country capacity? Does the leadership and coordination mechanism for monitoring (e.g., FP Technical Working Group) include representatives of the government, donors, and civil society organizations, as well as key populations? Does the plan include specific interventions to improve political and social accountability for family planning and the CIP goals (e.g., budget tracking, citizen report cards, social audits)? Does the plan include interventions to develop the capacity of government agencies to effectively lead and manage the FP program? Are roles and accountability translated to subnational administrative units (e.g., CIP goals for subnational levels, CIP dissemination plan, and capacity development for subnational implementation and administration)? Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit | 8 Stewardship, Management, and Accountability Yes Partial No Comments Does the plan include a reasonable, non-burdensome, capacity-appropriate monitoring and evaluation plan that aligns with global, rights-based standards (e.g., are CIP indicators aligned to national management information systems; the FP2020 Performance, Monitoring, and Accountability measures; and World Health Organization indicators)? Do the mechanisms to monitor implementation performance of the plan and track financial investments include an accountability framework so that output data are used for future planning and managerial decision making? Standard Elements Checklist
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