Contraceptive Security Indicators 2012 Global Data Dashboard

Publication date: 2012

Public  sector  methods  offered  and  central  warehouse  stock  information   Data  was  provided  by  many  survey  respondents,  including  USAID  missions,  Ministries  of  Health,  USAID  |  DELIVER  PROJECT  field  offices,  and  additional  in-­‐country  partners. This  dashboard  was  produced  with  support  from  the  U.S.  Agency  for  International  Development  through  Task  Order  4  of  the  USAID  |  DELIVER  PROJECT  under  contract  no.  GPO-­‐I-­‐00-­‐06-­‐00007-­‐00.   For  more  information  on  the  Contraceptive  Security  Indicators,  visit   Contraceptive  Security  Indicators  2012  Global  Data  Dashboard Percent  of  these  countries  with  a  representative  from  each  sector  on  the contraceptive  security  committee Government  share  of  total  spending  for  contraceptive  procurement  (where  known) (Government  funds  include  internally  generated  funds  and/or  other  funds  given  to  the  government.) 87%   95%   39%   95%   97%   97%   76%   41%   90%  of  countries  surveyed  have  a  committee  that   works  on  contraceptive  security.   29%   0%   0%   0%   2%   0%   71%   0%   2%   0%   8%   0%   100%   5%   6%   40%   0%   24%   2%   0%   0%   90%   0%   100%   65%   16%   35%   0%   63%   100%  100%   0%   100%   74%   100%   0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Bu rk in a   Fa so De m .  R ep .  o f  C on go Et hi op ia Ga m bi a Gh an a Gu in ea Ke ny a Li be ria M ad ag as ca r M al aw i M al i M oz am bi qu e N ig er ia Rw an da Se ne ga l Ta nz an ia To go U ga nd a Za m bi a Ar m en ia Az er ba ija n Ba ng la de sh Ge or gi a In di a N ep al Pa ki st an U kr ai ne Ye m en Do m in ic an  R ep ub lic El  S al va do r Gu at em al a Ha iti Ho nd ur as N ic ar ag ua Pa ra gu ay 63%  of  countries  spent  government  funds  on  contraceptive  procurement.   80%  of  countries  have  a  contraceptive  security  strategy.   Social   Marketing   NGO   Commercial   Sector   Donors   Ministry  of   Health   UN     Agencies   Central   Medical   Store   Ministry  of   Finance/   Planning   On  average,  countries  offer  8  methods  in  the  public  sector.   Is there a CS strategy? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 CycleBeads Female  condoms Emergency  Contraceptive  Pills Hormonal  Implants Progestin  only  pills Vasectomy Tubal  Ligation Hormonal  Injections Intrauterine  Devices Male  condoms Combined  Oral  Contraceptives Number  of  countries   Method  offered in  public  sector No  central-­‐level  stockout during  the  year Central-­‐level  stockout at  some  point  in  year Central-­‐level  stockout unknown  or  N/A

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