AccessRH - RHInterchange Up-to-date global information on contraceptive shipments

Publication date: 2014

Learn more at U n i t e d N a t i o n s P o p u l a t i o n F u n d Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark The RHInterchange (RHI) is an online tool for sharing information on contraceptive orders and shipments. Users can access up-to-date data on past, present, and future supply orders for over 140 countries. Data from the RHI can be used for shipment monitoring, commodity management, analysis, and planning. Transparent information from multiple sources Available on the AccessRH web portal, the RHI consolidates data from multiple sources, and organizes it in six different web reports. Data providers include IPPF, MSI, PSI, UNFPA, and USAID. The RHI currently reflects 80% of donor-funded procurement of contraceptives over the last several years. It is the first and only online source of harmonized data about contraceptive orders and shipments. Data for making informed decisions Initiated by the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, and maintained by UNFPA, the RHI enables the supplies community to share information for decision making, advocacy, and coordination around reproductive health supplies issues. The RHI provides you with answers to the following questions and more: • Which contraceptive methods were shipped where? • When does the next shipment arrive? • What value of contraceptives was sent? • Which institutions are funding contraceptives? Reports available for over 140 countries RHInterchange offers six different kinds of reports. You can create reports on country, regional, and global levels. In the most detailed level report, you can see the specifics of a given shipment. You can also create a report that lists all shipments going to a given country as well as summary reports. Select reports offer graphing or mapping functions and the option to download directly to Excel. UNFPA partners with the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition and other reproductive health organizations to ensure coordination of procurement data in the RHInterchange. Are you ensuring reproductive health product availability? Are you invested in improving contraceptive supply management? Are you interested in seeing a national picture of inbound supplies? Are you making informed, evidence-based decisions? Are you committed to improving donor coordination? Are you playing a role in the supply chain? Are you preventing supply emergencies? The RHInterchange can help! Visit the AccessRH website or contact us at for more information and custom reports. RHInterchange Up-to-date global information on contraceptive shipments

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