AccessRH - Access to reproductive health and census supplies starts here
Publication date: 2014
Effective procurement delivers quality-assured products at competitive prices. Investing in family planning and ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health supplies as part of comprehensive health services saves lives, promotes gender equality and boosts sustainable development. Trusted partner in reproductive health and census supplies UNFPA has been procuring contraceptives and related items for the developing world for over 40 years. Through AccessRH, governments and NGOs can partner with UNFPA to utilize the unique expertise provided by the leading UN Agency for reproductive health and population matters. AccessRH enables organizations working with reproductive and sexual health, family planning and census to make the best use of limited resources by delivering quality supplies in a cost effective, reliable way. By conducting competitive, transparent bidding, UNFPA creates long-term sup- plier agreements for a wide variety of reproductive health commodities and census supplies. UNFPA’s significant procurement volumes enable us to obtain competitive pricing. We pass this value on to partners via AccessRH. Better planning The AccessRH web portal is a consolidated source of RH and census supplies information. On the site, you can browse the extensive AccessRH Catalog of UNFPA quality-assured products, use the Budget Planner to estimate the cost of your procurement order and use the Lead Time Calculator to estimate how long it will take for your order to arrive. You can even use the estimated prices and order lead times for comparison with other suppliers as you build a reproductive health or census procurement plan. To assist countries in planning for their needs, UNFPA also offers capacity building services under the Government Training Programme in Procurement to strengthen national systems. Did you know? In addition to contraceptives, the AccessRH Catalog now includes emergency reproductive health kits, hundreds of pharmaceutical products, medical equipment and census supplies. Key contraceptives and kits are held in stock for urgent situations, in order to decrease wait times and prevent stock outs. The UNFPA Quality Assurance Policy follows specific international standards such as the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The RHInterchange consolidates data on contraceptive orders and shipments from multiple sources including IPPF, PSI, MSI, USAID and UNFPA. Access to reproductive health and census supplies starts here U n i t e d N a t i o n s P o p u l a t i o n F u n d Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Learn more at Secure and reliable products UNFPA is committed to procuring high-quality products. Suppliers are evaluated and prequalified based on internationally recognized quality standards before UNFPA enteres into any contractual agreements. All products undergo stringent UNFPA/WHO quality assurance processes. Quality assurance activities include prequalification, technical evaluation, quality control and monitoring. Easier ordering At, you can find the tools, documents and instructions you need to create an order for supplies. Choose products from multiple manufactur- ers in one order, and submit a Request for Quotation Form to AccessRH. UNFPA’s procurement team is on hand to provide expertise and information to help maximize your financial and human resources. For more information, contact or contact your UNFPA country office. Contact information Please contact your region’s UNFPA focal point if you have any questions. ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Mr. Andres Blasco ANGLOPHONE AFRICA Mr. Udara Bandara FRANCOPHONE AFRICA Mr. Hamza Abdou ARAB STATES Mr. Andres Blasco LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Ms. Monica Lay CENTRAL ASIA AND EASTERN EUROPE Mr. Andres Blasco The Request for Quotation Form should be emailed to the respective regional focal point. If you are procuring for UNDP or other UN agencies or using funds from the World Bank or Pledge Guarantee for Health, please contact your UNFPA focal point for guidance on the order process.
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