2010 Contraceptive Marketing Statistics
Publication date: 2010
1 Courtesy of DKT International 1701 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 August 2011 www.dktinternational.org 2010 CONTRACEPTIVE SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS 2 * 1 CYP equals 100 Condoms; 200 Free Condoms; 14 Pill cycles; 4 Injections (3 mos) or 6 Injections (2 mos) or 12 Injections (1 mo); 20 Female Condoms; 9 EC; .33 Implants; .25 IUDs; .5882 MA Doses; .0208 MVA Kits. ** Medical abortion drugs are included here only when mifepristone and misoprostol are sold in combination. Misoprostol by itself is not included. SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS 2010 Highlights 2010 2009 2008 CYPs* 53.4 million 47.5 million 45.0 million Sales – 2010 Condoms . 2,224,065,688 Injectables . 26,091,379 Free Condoms . 261,704,124 Implants . 249,218 Female Condoms . 6,179,644 Emergency Contraception (EC) . 8,892,355 Pills . 162,841,664 Medical Abortion (MA)** . 1,374,970 IUDs . 1,785,354 Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Kits . 15,346 Social Marketing Program Sales Statistics listed for all programs with 10,000 or more CYPs (Couple Years of Protection).* % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 1. AFGHANISTAN MSI support Source: MSI Started by Marie Stopes International Condoms 1,539,082 15,391 (MSI) in 2003. Pills 100,994 7,214 IUDs 20,532 82,128 Injectables 20,245 5,061 TOTAL 109,794 -31% 2. ANGOLA USAID, DFID and private funding Source: PSI Started by Population Services International Condoms 7,141,160 71,412 (PSI) in 2000. Free Condoms 1,023,000 5,115 TOTAL 76,527 4% 3. BANGLADESH USAID and EC funding Source: USAID Started by PSI in 1975; now managed by Condoms 149,285,940 1,492,859 Social Marketing Company (formerly SMP). Pills 32,920,130 2,351,438 Injectables 1,202,785 300,696 TOTAL 4,144,994 -3% 4. BENIN USAID and KfW support Source: PSI Started by DKT International (DKT) and Condoms 7,294,956 72,950 PSI in 1989. Free Condoms 2,893,616 14,468 Female Condoms 14,813 741 Pills 206,642 14,760 IUDs 3,215 12,860 Injectables 43,032 10,758 Implants 11,140 33,420 TOTAL 159,956 29% 5. BOLIVIA PSIA support Source: FARMAGE Started by APPRENDE in 2002. Condoms 49,032 490 Pills 45,768 3,269 Injectables 25,849 6,462 EC 76,168 8,463 TOTAL 18,685 -79% 6. BOTSWANA Government of Botswana, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. USAID (AIDSMark), Dutch Condoms 3,787,585 37,876 government support Free Condoms 3,060,000 15,300 Free Female Condoms 0 0 TOTAL 53,176 -21% 7. BRAZIL Self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1991; Condoms 92,337,140 923,371 managed by DKT do Brasil. Female Condoms 79,476 3,974 TOTAL 927,345 17% 3 8. BURKINA FASO KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1991. Condoms 19,130,256 191,303 Female Condoms 67,956 3,398 Pills 131,128 9,366 TOTAL 204,067 3% 9. BURMA (Myanmar) Private, DFID, and UNICEF support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 29,972,535 299,725 Free Condoms 343,552 1,718 Female Condoms 202,658 10,133 Pills 770,730 55,052 IUDs 31,802 127,208 Injectables 625,138 156,285 Injectables (1) 203,820 16,985 EC 21,670 2,408 Implants 1,143 3,429 TOTAL 672,942 24% 9.1 BURMA II (Myanmar) MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2004. Pills 1,462,315 104,451 Injectables 18,211 4,553 EC 26,576 2,953 TOTAL 111,957 -40% 10. BURUNDI Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1990. Condoms 1,480,136 14,801 TOTAL 14,801 4% 11. CAMBODIA USAID, DFID, KfW, UNFPA, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. government support Condoms 23,478,858 234,789 Pills 3,350,496 239,321 IUDs 8,896 35,584 Injectables 457,980 114,495 Implants 3,461 10,383 MA 49,077 83,431 TOTAL 718,003 16% 12. CAMEROON DOD, KfW, Plan, Care, Dutch Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1989. MTN, Art Venture and CIDA Condoms 16,729,032 167,290 support Female Condoms 1,025,243 51,262 Pills 1,110 79 IUDs 1,459 5,836 Injectables 8,519 2,130 Implants 6,430 19,290 TOTAL 245,888 -2% 13. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC UNFPA, KfW, World Bank Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1991. and private support Condoms 5,006,880 50,069 Female Condoms 43,127 2,156 TOTAL 52,225 -3% 14. CHILE Source: PROSALUD Started by FARMAGE in 2007. EC 103,669 11,519 TOTAL 11,519 NA 15. CHINA Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 46,728,197 467,282 EC 66,479 7,387 TOTAL 474,669 7% 15.1 CHINA II USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2004. Condoms 1,510,007 15,100 Female Condoms 11,791 590 TOTAL 15,690 8% 16. COLOMBIA Self-sustaining project Source: PROFAMILIA PROFAMILIA project; started in 1975 with Condoms 7,057,961 70,580 International Planned Parenthood Pills 570,802 40,772 Federation support. IUDs 38,872 155,488 Injectables 2,314,306 578,577 EC 469,034 52,115 TOTAL 897,531 5% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 4 17. CONGO (DRC/Kinshasa) UNDP, Georgetown University (GU), Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1988. DOD, UNICEF, Proctor & Gamble, Condoms 45,374,138 453,741 World Bank, USAID, CIDA support Free Condoms 10,558,478 52,792 Female Condoms 505,990 25,300 Pills 766,548 54,753 IUDs 3,765 15,060 Injectables 199,840 49,960 TOTAL 651,607 60% 17.1 CONGO II Private support Source: DKT (DRC/Kinshasa) Condoms 2,525,600 25,256 Started by DKT in 2009. Pills 1,686 120 IUDs 80 320 TOTAL 25,696 NA 18. COTE D’IVOIRE USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Now managed by Condoms 26,315,113 263,151 AIMAS with technical assistance from PSI. Female Condoms 47,395 2,370 Pills 1,435,492 102,535 Injectables 46,563 11,641 EC 23,430 2,603 TOTAL 382,300 NA 19. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC KfW, USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2003. Condoms 14,635,122 146,351 Free Condoms 298,110 1,491 TOTAL 147,842 5% 20. EGYPT Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2004. Condoms 3,063,139 30,631 Pills 770,515 55,037 IUDs 270,737 1,082,948 Injectables 268,344 67,086 EC 66,504 7,389 MVA 2 96 VFT 183,043 1,464 TOTAL 1,244,652 115% 21. EL SALVADOR USAID, KfW, DOD, Dutch support Source: PSI Founded by PSI/EL Salvador Condoms 3,565,544 35,655 (PASMO) in 1998. Female Condoms 13,000 650 Pills 6,900 493 IUDs 9,216 36,864 Implants 186 558 TOTAL 74,220 34% 22. ETHIOPIA Dutch and Irish governments, DFID, Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1990. Packard, and USAID support Condoms 85,161,293 851,613 Female Condoms 101,000 5,050 Pills 2,604,256 186,018 IUDs 42,316 169,264 Injectables 1,653,120 413,280 EC 673,744 74,860 Implants 90,797 272,391 MA 181,580 308,686 MVA Kits 4,057 194,736 TOTAL 2,475,899 8% 22.1 ETHIOPIA II Global Fund, USAID, UNICEF, Source: PSI Implemented by PSI in 2003. Procter and Gamble support Free Condoms 27,349,200 136,746 TOTAL 136,746 -2% 23. GHANA USAID support Source: EXP Ghana Exp Social Marketing Foundation. Condoms 1,957,140 19,571 Unbranded Condoms 4,549,000 22,745 Pills 1,778,688 127,049 Injectables 860,261 215,065 TOTAL 384,431 NA 24. GUATEMALA USAID support Source: APROFAM Asocicion Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Condoms 563,352 5,634 de Guatemala (APROFAM); started by Pills 674,529 48,181 Juarez and Associates in 1983. IUDs 4,141 16,564 Injectables 229,644 57,411 Norplant 5,705 17,115 TOTAL 144,904 24% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 5 24.I GUATEMALA II Abt Associates, KfW, USAID Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. and private support Condoms 9,571,424 95,714 Pills 1,282 92 IUDs 13,132 52,528 Implants 2,122 6,366 TOTAL 154,700 -7% 25. GUINEA USAID and KfW co-funded Source: PSI Started by PSI 1990. Condoms 7,676,984 76,770 Pills 385,207 27,515 Injectables 185,883 46,471 TOTAL 150,755 42% 26. HAITI USAID, UNFPA, Sogebank Foundation, Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI 1990. MSH, and World Bank support Condoms 1,655,904 16,559 Female Condoms 15,222 761 Pills 296,768 21,198 Injectables 124,112 31,028 TOTAL 69,546 -52% 27. HONDURAS KfW and USAID support Source: ASHONPLAFA Honduras Social Marketing Program; Condoms 1,003,371 10,034 Managed by the FPA ASHONPLAFA. Pills 1,161,113 82,937 IUDs 7,188 28,752 Injectables 139,954 34,989 EC 16,857 1,873 TOTAL 158,584 3% 27.1 HONDURAS II KfW, Abt Associates, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Summit Foundation and Condoms 3,547,258 35,473 private support Free Condoms 2,380,032 11,900 TOTAL 47,373 35% 28. INDIA I Government of India (GOI) Project Source: GOI Nirodh Deluxe condoms and Mala D pills (fi gures are for fi scal year ended Condoms 312,711,300 3,127,113 (Does not include any brands listed 3/31/10) Pills 16,490,000 1,177,857 for India II - VII.) TOTAL 4,304,970 26% 28.1 INDIA II GOI, KfW, DFID, USAID support Source: PSI Masti and Pearl (calendar year data, 2010) Condoms 65,979,798 659,798 PSI/India, 1988. (India I totals include Female Condoms 216,386 10,819 84 million Nirodh condoms and 8.2 million Pills 3,592,192 256,585 Mala D pills sold by PSI/India) IUDs 112,318 449,272 Injectables 44,798 11,200 EC 19,620 2,180 MA 166,196 282,533 TOTAL 1,672,387 -30% 28.2 INDIA III (FYE 3/31/10) Source: GOI (Sawan, Bliss, Milan condoms and Ecroz pills) Condoms 40,470,000 404,700 Parivar Seva Sanstha, 1988. Pills 2,150,000 153,571 TOTAL 558,271 15% 28.3 INDIA IV DFID, USAID and Source: DKT (Zaroor, Choice, XXX) GOI support Condoms 108,540,930 1,085,409 DKT/India (Mumbai), 1992. (calendar year 2010) Pills 13,687,730 977,695 (India I totals include 15 million Nirodh IUDs 171,944 687,776 condoms sold by DKT.) Injectables 45,598 11,400 MA 402,056 683,495 TOTAL 3,445,775 27% 28.4 INDIA V Packard and GOI support Source: DKT (Apsara, Mithun, Plan X) (calendar year 2010) Condoms 30,067,846 300,678 Bihar-based project, managed by Janani; Pills 2,591,072 185,077 1996. IUDs 43,276 173,104 Injectables 152,270 38,068 EC 436,062 48,451 MA 158,182 268,909 MVA Kits 167 8,016 TOTAL 1,022,303 41% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 6 28.5 INDIA VI MSI support Source: MSI (Ahsas, Thril, Flavoured) (calendar year 2010) Condoms 96,361,056 963,611 Started by MSI/PHS (Population Health Pills 1,918,240 137,017 Services) in 1999. (India I totals include IUDs 49,375 197,500 .30 million Mala D pills and 10 million Injectables 187,100 46,775 Nirodh condoms sold by PHS.) EC 141,759 15,751 MA 326,925 555,773 TOTAL 1,916,426 44% 28.5 INDIA VII Private support Source: WHP Started by World Health Partner’s in 2009. Condoms 1,763,294 17,633 Pills 109,920 7,851 IUDs 6,902 27,608 Injectables 14,752 3,688 EC 2,520 280 TOTAL 57,060 41% 29. INDONESIA KfW, GOI support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 116,701,046 1,167,010 Female Condoms 6,601 330 Pills 18,698,520 1,335,609 Injectables 7,270,840 1,817,710 Injectables (1) 2,059,032 171,586 IUDs 183,076 732,304 EC 27,439 3,049 Implants 20,293 60,879 MVA 938 45,024 TOTAL 5,333,501 7% 30. KAZAKHSTAN USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2002. Condoms 934,734 9,347 Free Condoms 1,008 5 IUDs 5,575 22,300 TOTAL 31,652 53% 31. KENYA DFID support Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI in 1989. Condoms 38,373,192 383,732 Free Condoms 3,434,600 17,173 Pills 1,773,480 126,677 IUDs 11,278 45,112 Injectables 508,513 127,128 Implants 5,974 17,922 TOTAL 717,744 -3% 32. LAOS USAID (AIDSMark), Global Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1999. Ministry of Health and UN support Condoms 4,549,356 45,494 TOTAL 45,494 15% 33. LESOTHO USAID and Dutch support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. Condoms 3,961,560 39,616 Free Condoms 5,517,900 27,590 Female Condoms 420,304 21,015 TOTAL 88,220 37% 34. MADAGASCAR USAID, GF, WHP support Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1996, managed Condoms 11,951,090 119,511 now by PSI. Free Condoms 4,729,011 23,645 Female Condoms 38,109 1,905 Pills 2,459,508 175,679 IUDs 14,967 59,868 Injectables 1,054,183 263,546 \ Implants 2,699 8,097 TOTAL 652,251 40% 35. MALAWI USAID and KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. Condoms 7,584,084 75,841 Female Condoms 118,426 5,921 Pills 20,217 1,444 Injectables 29,641 7,410 TOTAL 90,616 22% 35.1 MALAWI II MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2004. Condoms 2,869,187 28,692 TOTAL 28,692 6% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 7 36. MALAYSIA self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1991. Condoms 5,076,720 50,767 Managed by PHI consultants. TOTAL 50,767 -2% 37. MALI Ministry of Health, Groupe Pivot, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2000. KfW, USAID, GU, CIDA, Condoms 9,044,160 90,442 Dutch Fund and private support Female Condoms 12,201 610 Pills 1,137,583 81,256 IUDs 11,410 45,640 Injectables 438,839 109,710 Implants 16,252 48,756 TOTAL 376,413 53% 38. MEXICO Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2002. Condoms 10,922,400 109,224 Female Condoms 37,007 1,850 Injectables 11,390 2,848 EC 363 40 TOTAL 113,962 5% 39. MONGOLIA UNFPA and MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2000. Condoms 3,689,536 36,895 Female Condoms 1,476 74 Pills 130,207 9,301 IUDs 2,879 11,516 Injectables 251 63 EC 41,956 4,662 TOTAL 62,510 4% 40. MOROCCO Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2010. IUDs 3,636 14,544 TOTAL 14,544 NA 41. MOZAMBIQUE DFID and GTZ support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1995. Condoms 21,488,578 214,886 Free Condoms 6,043,305 30,217 Female Condoms 28,747 1,437 Free Female Condoms 394,515 9,863 Pills 17,279 1,234 TOTAL 257,637 -14% 41.1 MOZAMBIQUE Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 2,562,034 25,620 Pills 47,571 3,398 IUDs 321 1,284 EC 213 24 MVA Kits 12 576 TOTAL 30,902 NA 42. NAMIBIA USAID, Global Fund and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1997. UNAID support Free Condoms 5,508,065 27,540 Free Female Condoms 136,221 3,406 TOTAL 30,946 44% 43. NEPAL USAID support Source: AED Started in 1976. Nepal Social Marketing Condoms 15,103,903 151,039 and Franchise project. Pills 1,471,836 105,131 IUDs 2,639 10,556 Injectables 463,851 115,963 Implants 880 2,640 EC 235,102 26,122 TOTAL 411,451 35% 43.1 NEPAL II MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2002. Condoms 2,664,817 26,648 Pills 74,287 5,306 TOTAL 31,954 12% 43.2 NEPAL III Global Fund support Source: PSI Activated by PSI in 2009. IUDs 27,202 108,808 Implants 654 1,962 MA 17,852 30,348 TOTAL 141,118 13% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 8 44. NICARAGUA USAID support Source: PROFAMILIA Started by PROFAMILIA in 1999. Condoms 190,606 1,906 Pills 138,734 9,910 IUDs 56 224 Injectables 7,321 1,830 Injectables (1) 1,134 95 TOTAL 13,964 15% 44.1 NICARAGUA II Abt Associates, USAID, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Dutch Embassy and private support Condoms 5,481,858 54,819 Female Condoms 5,610 281 Pills 116,154 8,297 IUDs 16,862 67,448 Injectables 45,073 11,268 Injectables (1) 67,160 5,597 Implants 95 285 TOTAL 147,994 41% 45. NIGER KfW support Source: GFA Consulting Group Started by GFA Medica/ Condoms 6,291,360 62,914 Futures Group in 2004. Pills 57,354 4,097 TOTAL 67,010 48% 46. NIGERIA DFID, USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1988-90. Condoms 206,400,698 2,064,007 Now managed by Society for Family Health Free Condoms 3,165,541 15,828 with technical assistance from PSI. Female Condoms 672,441 33,622 Pills 6,921,915 494,423 IUDs 73,569 294,276 Injectables 724,330 181,083 Injectables (2) 1,127,847 187,975 Injectables (1) 41,337 3,445 EC 1,144,500 127,167 Implants 8,501 25,503 TOTAL 3,427,327 4% 47. PACIFIC ISLANDS MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2004. Condoms 816,861 8,169 IUDs 141 564 Implants 716 2,148 TOTAL 10,881 NA 48. PAKISTAN KfW, USAID, and private support Source: PSI Program started by PSI Marketing Condoms 100,842,375 1,008,424 Associates in 1986. Cooperating agency: Pills 1,302,904 93,065 PSI and Greenstar Social Marketing. IUDs 378,194 1,512,776 Injectables 417,900 104,475 Injectables (2) 535,770 89,295 Injectables (1) 148,200 12,350 EC 1,535,625 170,625 TOTAL 2,991,009 25% 48.1 PAKISTAN II Funded by MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2003. Condoms 4,715,763 47,158 TOTAL 47,158 -33% 49. PANAMA USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 2,336,206 23,362 TOTAL 23,362 -24% 50. PARAGUAY Self sustaining project Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 2,087,136 20,871 Pills 560,552 40,039 EC 170,657 18,962 TOTAL 79,873 26% 51. PERU USAID support Source: APROPO Apoyo a Programas de Poblacion; Condoms 14,919,520 149,195 program started by SOMARC Injectables 21,848 5,462 and APROPO in 1984. Foaming Tablets 50,976 408 TOTAL 155,065 NA % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 9 51.1 PERU II Support maintained through Source: PROSALUD Started by APPRENDE in 2002. commercial activities of FARMAGE Condoms 93,030 930 Pills 126,918 9,066 EC 240,094 26,677 TOTAL 36,673 -50% 52. PHILIPPINES Self sustaining program Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1990; Condoms 40,878,424 408,784 managed by DKT. Pills 27,498,045 1,964,146 IUDs 34,000 136,000 Injectables 1,117,406 279,352 TOTAL 2,788,282 4% 53. ROMANIA USAID, UNICEF, and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Dutch government/Matra support Condoms 1,966,485 19,665 Free Condoms 108,057 540 TOTAL 20,205 -21% 54. RWANDA KfW, USAID (AIDSMark) Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. and private support Condoms 13,146,212 131,462 Pills 26,712 1,908 Injectables 20,361 5,090 TOTAL 138,460 20% 55. SOUTH AFRICA USAID, Dutch government, EF Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. (PSI), Government of South Africa Condoms 61,058,965 610,590 support Free Condoms 147,252,000 736,260 Female Condoms 6,984 349 Pills 666 48 IUDs 2,921 11,684 Injectables 60 15 MA 6 10 TOTAL 1,358,956 62% 56. SRI LANKA Data are rounded from 2008; Started by PSI and IPPF in 1973; no report this year. Condoms 7,000,000 70,000 now managed by Family Planning Pills 1,635,000 116,786 Association of Sri Lanka. IUDs 1,700 6,800 Injectables 52,000 13,000 EC 935,000 103,889 TOTAL 310,475 NA 56.I SRI LANKA II Source: MSI/SL Started by MSI in 1993; Condoms 6,415,972 64,160 managed by MSI Sri Lanka. EC 2,591 288 TOTAL 64,448 -6% 57. SUDAN Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2004. Condoms 1,094,256 10,943 Pills 42,679 3,049 IUDs 90,821 363,284 Injectables 25,795 6,449 Implants 1,633 4,899 MVA Kits 9,367 449,616 TOTAL 838,239 -5% 57.1 SUDAN II USAID, Global Fund, MSH and FHI Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2005. support Condoms 836,038 8,360 Free Condoms 1,386,200 6,931 TOTAL 15,291 -38% 58. SWAZILAND USAID (AIDSMark) and Dutch Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. support Condoms 2,124,287 21,243 Free Condoms 2,507,400 12,537 Female Condoms 62,000 3,100 TOTAL 36,880 4% 59. TANZANIA USAID, Global Fund, KfW and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. Dutch government support Condoms 72,633,168 726,332 Free Condoms 10,000,800 50,004 Female Condoms 576,180 28,809 Pills 718,092 51,292 IUDs 15,775 63,100 Injectables 4,110 1,028 Implants 2,060 6,180 TOTAL 926,744 9% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 10 % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 59.1 TANZANIA II USAID support Source: AED T-MARC Project. Condoms 15,103,903 151,039 Pills 1,846,998 131,928 Injectables 463,851 115,963 Implants 834 2,502 TOTAL 401,432 NA 60. THAILAND DKT support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 233,210 2,332 Pills 94,410 6,744 IUDs 592 2,368 TOTAL 11,444 -18% 61. TOGO USAID and Global Fund Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1992; Condoms 10,662,172 106,622 transferred to PSI in 1998. Female Condoms 15,474 774 Pills 98,844 7,060 IUDs 2,666 10,664 Injectables 34,031 8,508 Implants 10,750 32,250 TOTAL 165,877 -4% 62. TURKEY DKT support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 4,850,294 48,503 Female Condoms 1,587 79 Pills 3,478 248 IUDs 40 160 TOTAL 48,991 60% 63. UGANDA CDC and private support Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1991; Cooperating agency: PSI Condoms 8,069,241 80,692 transferred to CMS in 1998; Free Condoms 4,175,517 20,878 transferred to AIDSMark in 2003. Free Female Condoms 247,608 6,190 IUDs 16,308 65,232 Implants 9,435 28,305 TOTAL 201,297 0% 63.1 UGANDA II KfW support Source: MSI Uganda Started by MSI in 1997; Condoms 8,740,980 87,410 managed by MSI. TOTAL 87,410 0% 64. URUGUAY IPPF support Source: AUPF Started by AUPF Condoms 20,241 202 (Associacion Uruguaya de Pills 56,650 4,046 Planifi cacion Familiar) around 1968. IUDs 3,032 12,128 TOTAL 16,377 -23% 65. VENEZUELA Support from commercial sector Source: Prosalud Started by PROSALUD in 1992. and local embassies Condoms 795,704 7,957 Pills 414,831 29,631 IUDs 226 904 Injectables 114,066 28,517 EC 2,183,723 242,636 TOTAL 309,644 17% 66. VIET NAM DIFD, KfW support Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1993. Condoms 37,338,426 373,384 Pills 2,746,120 196,151 IUDs 569 2,276 Injectables 23,745 5,936 EC 173,405 19,267 MA 73,096 124,263 MVA Kits 803 38,544 TOTAL 759,822 -3% 66.1 VIET NAM II USAID, PACT support Source: PSI Implemented by PSI in 2005. Condoms 6,481,554 64,816 Free Condoms 5,382,032 26,910 Free Female Condoms 33,080 827 TOTAL 92,553 33% 11 67. YEMEN KfW support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2001. Condoms 2,761,767 27,618 Female Condoms 1,476 74 Pills 500,315 35,737 IUDs 29,253 117,012 Injectables 172,696 43,174 TOTAL 223,614 13% 68. ZAMBIA USAID, UNFPA,WHP, KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. Condoms 20,380,536 203,805 Free Condoms 517,500 2,588 Female Condoms 413,424 20,671 Pills 2,121,552 151,539 IUDs 16,480 65,920 Injectables 3,395 849 Implants 24,802 74,406 TOTAL 519,778 5% 69. ZIMBABWE USAID, DFID and Packard Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1988; Partnership Funds Condoms 24,783,680 247,837 transferred to PSI in 1996. Free Condoms 9,520,200 47,601 Female Condoms 1,417,540 70,877 Injectables 13,279 3,320 Implants 22,656 67,968 EC 57,595 6,399 TOTAL 444,002 -36% GRAND TOTAL 53,427,128 % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2010 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2009 12 Cambodia Zambia Ethiopia Zimbabwe Madagascar Mali Philippines South Africa Nigeria Bangladesh Tanzania I Kenya Cote D’Ivoire Indonesia Sudan I Colombia Pakistan Ghana The following programs qualify for the “Best Programs” list by • delivering more than 300,000 CYPs, and • reaching more than 8% of their target markets. They are arranged first by program size, then by percent of coverage. Indonesia Bangladesh Nigeria Pakistan I Philippines Ethiopia South Africa Tanzania I Colombia Sudan I Cambodia Kenya Madagascar Zambia Zimbabwe Ghana Cote D’Ivoire Mali Ranked by Percent of Target Market* 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% *Target market calculated as 75% of women aged 15–49. Best Programs 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 600,000 5,333,501 4,144,994 3,427,327 2,991,009 2,788,282 2,475,899 1,358,956 926,744 897,531 838,239 718,003 717,744 652,251 519,778 444,002 384,431 382,300 376,413 26.6% 25.1% 19.4% 18.5% 18.3% 15.1% 14.5% 14.5% 13.5% 13.1% 12.9% 11.0% 10.6% 10.4% 10.0% 9.5% 9.1% 8.1% Ranked by Program Size
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