Specialized master in Transport Logistics Management

Institut africain de management

The Master in Logistics Transport Management offers you the opportunity to be a manager with an integrated vision of the different aspects of international logistics as well as an in-depth knowledge of the main decision support tools used in the field. Graduates of this specialty will work as Logistics Specialists for large manufacturing, distribution or retail companies, or as analysts with consulting firms and logistics service providers.

This professional training aims to:

• Train logistics executives capable of managing and optimizing the entire logistics chain by relying both on in-depth knowledge of the various activities that make it up and on a good mastery of new information technologies;

• Train high-level executives capable of understanding business development in a context of economic globalization;

• Train specialists in Supply-Chain Management practices and techniques thanks to theoretical contributions and professional experience in the field. The training is aimed at people wishing to acquire expertise in the field of Logistics Transport Management by mastering international trade techniques, knowledge of international law, and understanding of its strategic issues.

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  • Senegal

Academic Degree




Medium (3-12 months)

  • French
  • English
  • In-Person

Programme website

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