Executive Master's Degree in Supply Chain Management

Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra

Logistics procedures and techniques constitute one of the most important approaches to managing organizational systems from a perspective different from the traditional one. In general, the mission of logistics systems is to guarantee the flow of materials and products with the required quality, in the right place and at the right time with the minimum costs throughout the value chain, guaranteeing quality and low prices to the end customer.

Supply Chain Management addresses the study of the integration of companies' internal and external business processes, the flow of materials and finished products and the information associated with them, through all distribution and chain channels. of added value for end customer satisfaction. This approach includes the integrated study of basic functions of the organization, such as supply management, production management and physical distribution management, supported by information systems and technologies.

Transportation plays an important role within the supply chain, basically in the supply and physical distribution processes, however, these at the same time are closely related to the production processes; For this reason, transport cannot be isolated from the logistics chain. It is necessary to study the particularities related to logistics and transport and the processes generated from these, as determining factors of competitiveness.

The Executive Master of Supply Chain Management provides students with fundamental knowledge, tools and techniques for effective management of this strategic function in organizations.

Double degree with the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), Spain

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  • Dominican Republic

Academic Degree




Long (+12 months)

  • Spanish
  • In-Person

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