Innovation Fund test
Enhancing motivation of family planning service providers
International Centre for Reproductive Health/Ghent University: Enhancing motivation of family planning service providers as a lever to avoid stockouts and increase quality of service
Award amount: $196,400
This project aims to better understand the link between stockouts and health worker motivation. Building on the results of an ongoing, five-year project with ICRH Mozambique, this project will measure and enhance health worker motivation through a variety of financial, non-financial, and motivational incentives across 15 health facilities in Mozambique, investigating the role that these incentives play in health worker performance and prevention of stockouts.
Civil Society for FP in Nigeria
Civil Society for FP in Nigeria: Parliamentary Advocacy and Financing for Reproductive Health in Nigeria (PAFRHiN)
Award amount: $30,094
Under the newly elected government in Nigeria, CiSFP is working with build a cadre of parliamentary advocates and arm them with the skills and knowledge necessary to advocate for greater financial resources allocated to FP in Nigeria. Through training focused on the current financing trends and RH issues in the country, CiSFP will provide advocates with advocacy tools and messaging to engage with both the media and fellow members of Parliament on the issue of greater financing for supplies. The ultimate goal of this project is to produce a legislative action plan for improving RH financing, including a draft amendment bill if necessary, by September 2015.
Building a sustainable funding architecture for RH supplies
International Planned Parenthood Federation: Building a sustainable funding architecture for RH supplies
Award amount: $100,000
IPPF plans to work with stakeholders to galvanize coordinated and strategic advocacy for RH supplies during the post-2015 negotiations and the new development financing architecture. Through this project, IPPF aims to achieve the following objectives: 1) increase global, regional, and national stakeholders’ knowledge, understanding, and capacity to engage with the 2015 financing discussions; 2) mobilize joint action to ensure RH supplies are included as critical components of the new development financing architecture; and 3) promote national civil society organization activism to influence the 2015 financing discussions through small-grant capacity building support.
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