
Research on medical abortion gains traction in Latin America

30th November 2017

In a region where more than 97 percent of women of childbearing age live in countries where abortion is either restricted or banned altogether, Coalition-supported research on medical abortion is reaching receptive and influential...

Category: ForoLAC


3rd October 2017



“在拉丁美洲改进避孕药具的采购”将在大范围被边缘化的地区和避孕药具安全全球所取得的进步之间架起一道重要的桥梁。 ...

Category: ForoLAC

Ambitious initiative to bridge Latin America to global innovations

4th August 2017

A new two-year programme is poised to change the face of contraceptive access in twelve countries in LAC. The Coalition’s Regional Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean (ForoLAC) has embarked on a pioneering initiative.

Categories: Global Financing, ForoLAC

Webinar shares interesting figures, paradoxes, around emergency contraception in LAC Region

2nd March 2017

Prices of emergency contraceptives EC are higher in Latin America and the Caribbean than in Europe or the USA, a recent webinar has revealed. In addition, the poorer the LAC country, the higher the cost relative to income. In...

Category: ForoLAC

Coalition welcomes Peru’s decision to provide free emergency contraception

30th August 2016

Peru’s Health Minister Patricia Garcia announced on Tuesday that emergency contraception (EC) will be offered free of charge at the country’s state hospitals within 30 days.

Category: ForoLAC

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