
LAC Forum sidesteps pandemic, completes successful Encuentros

3rd August 2020

Unfazed by the blows COVID-19 is dealing global event planning, the LAC Forum has successfully completed 12 of 13 virtual Encuentros for health ministry officials and UNPFA staff from nine countries. Participants from Bolivia,...

Categories: COVID-19, ForoLAC

Coalition Director connects SRH supplies and Universal Health Coverage in keynote address

17th September 2019

This month, Coalition Director John Skibiak made key recommendations for South-South cooperation to improve universal access to reproductive health (RH) supplies. Delivering his keynote address in Tunis to the 16th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development, Mr. Skibiak spelt out three distinct ways forward; he called on the community to (1) recognize the value of SRHR within the broader Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda, (2) include SRHR within essential health benefits packages, and (3) garner the evidence base to strengthen the systems on which UHC efforts depend.

Categories: Commodity Gap Analysis, Global FP VAN, Universal Health Coverage, ForoLAC

SEPREMI pays for itself in less than two months

17th September 2019

Last month, Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health acknowledged that as a result of market intelligence gathered through SEPREMI, they were now in a position to order quality-assured condoms at a third of the price previously paid to...

Category: ForoLAC

Second Encuentro builds on predecessor; brings Latin American initiative closer to achieving objective

9th March 2018

Last month, we announced the inaugural “encuentro” or “learning session” in Panama City under the Coalition’s new initiative to open up global information on innovative procurement mechanisms for reproductive health supplies to...

Categories: Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, ForoLAC

Panama Encuentro tackles regional inequities head-on

10th February 2018

In Latin America, it is not unusual to find a national procurement agency paying up to 10 times more for the same RH supply as their counterpart in a neighboring country.  This and other startling discoveries got countries talking...

Categories: Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, ForoLAC

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