
Coalition meets Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination Group

13th December 2007

Carolyn Hart of JSI represented the Coalition at the November 13 meeting of the Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination (IPC) Group. Convened by WHO's Essential Medicines team, the IPC comprises UN-implementing agencies and...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured

Pharmaceutical industry to improve supply chain

13th December 2007

Coalition Technical Officer Steve Kinzett joined representatives of more than 20 pharmaceutical and logistics firms, donors, and technical agencies to explore ways for the private sector to improve access to essential medicines in...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured, Market Development Approaches Working Group

European Commission releases study on commodity security

13th December 2007

The European Commission (EC) has released the results of a major study on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS). The 68-page report offers a technical analysis of the global supply challenge, outlines key recommendations...

Categories: Collaboration, Innovation, Featured, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Next membership meeting scheduled for week of 19 May in Brussels

13th December 2007

The European Commission and Secretariat have selected the week of May 19 for next year's membership meeting. The selection of this date was based on member feedback from the last membership meeting evaluation survey, a review of...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured

RHI celebrates third year online

1st October 2007

In early October, the RHInterchange (RHI) celebrated its third year online. At the Systems Strengthening Working Group meeting in Washington DC at the end of October, RHI Manager, Mimi Whitehouse and RHI Programme Officer, Jane...

Categories: Secretariat, Collaboration, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Systems Strengthening Working Group

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