Expanding youth access to RH supplies through Innovation: MSI China and WoMena


Through a grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) sought to draw attention to the RH supply needs of young people, and confront the barriers that impede access to them. The Coalition launched a youth-specific Innovation Fund round, to inspire and fund initiatives that address and advance youth access to RH supplies. Now that the grants have been concluded, the four grantees will share their findings and lessons-learned in a webinar series hosted by the RHSC Youth Caucus.

In Uganda, WoMena evaluated the effectiveness of six innovative pricing, distribution & payment models in delivering menstrual cups to youth (aged 15-30 years) through the NGO and private sector in urban and rural settings. To tackle high abortion rates and a limited-method mix among adolescents in China, Marie Stopes International China (MSI-China) developed and introduced in six hospitals the country’s first service delivery guidelines for youth access to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).


  • Welcome – Emilie Peeters (Advocacy Officer, RHSC)
  • Expand Youth Access to a Full Choice of Contraceptives in China – Lilly Liu Liqing (Country Director, MSI China)
  • Expanding Access to Menstrual Cups for Youth in Uganda – Laura Hytti (Research/Project Coordinator, WoMena Uganda)

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