Reproductive Health Survey 2002 Jamaica Final Report
Publication date: 2005
Cover Preface Acknowledgements Contens List of Tables Chapter 1. Background 1.1 Historical, Geographical, Demographic and Social Background 1.2 Population Policies and Programmes 1.3 Objectives of the Programme 1.4 Administration The Sample Design The Pretest Printing of Documents Field Work for Main Surveys Chapter 2. Characteristics of the Survey Population 2.0 General 2.1 Age Distribution of the Survey Population 2.2 Marital and Union Status 2.3 Employment Status 2.4 Educational Level 2.5 Religion 2.6 Children Ever Born 2.7 Socio-Economic Status Chapter 3. Fertility and Fertility-Related Factors 3.1 Age At Menarche and Sexual Experience 3.2 Breastfeeding and Postpartum Insusceptibility 3.3 Current Sexual Activity 3.4 Fertility Rates 3.5 Planning Status of Last Pregnancy Chapter 4. Reproductive Health 4.1 General Reproductive Health Problems 4.2 Regularity and Outcome of Medical Examinations 4.3 Health-Related Behavioural Factors 4.4 Maternal Health and Child Care 4.5 Forced Sexual Intercourse Chapter 5. Contraceptive Knowledge 5.1 Knowledge of Contraceptive Methods 5.2 Opinions on Spacing of Births, Pregnancy and Sexuality Chapter 6. Contraceptive Usage 6.0 General 6.1 Ever USe of Contraceptives 6.2 First Use of Contraceptives 6.3 Current Use of Contraceptives 6.4 Source of Contraceptives Chapter 7. Hormonal Contraceptive Usage 7.1 Pill Use 7.2 Knowledge and Use of the Emergency Contraceptive Protection (Morning After) Pill 7.3 Injection Use Chapter 8. Condom Use 8.1 Condom Use 8.2 Reasons For Use 8.3 Effectiveness of Condom Use Chapter 9. Sterilization - Use and Demand 9.1 Profile of Sterilized Women 9.2 Satisfaction with Sterilization 9.3 Demand for Sterilization 9.4 Reasons for Non-Sterilization Chapter 10. Non-Use of Contraceptives 10.1 Reasons for not using a Contraceptive Method 10.2 Need for Family Planning Services Chapter 11. Young Adults 11.1 Socio-Demographic Features of the Adolescent Population 11.2 Exposure to Sexual Activity 11.3 Exposure to Family Life and Sex Education 11.4 Use and Non-Use of Contraceptives 11.5 Information on Sex, Contraception and the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases References Household Questionnaire - Female Household Questionnaire - Male Individual Questionnaire - Male Section I. Respondent's Background Section II. Relationship Status and Partnership Hostory Section III. Family Life and Sex Education Section IV. Reproductive History Section V. Contraceptive Knowledge and First Sexual Experience Section VI. Current Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use Section VII. Attitudes Towards Childbearing and Contraception Section VIII. General Attitudes and Opinions Individual Questionnaire - Female Section I. Respondent's Background Section II. Relationship Status and Partnership istory Section III. Fertility Birth History Chart Section IV. Women's Health Section V. Contraceptive Knowledge and Usage Section VI. Attitudes Towards Contraception, Childbearing and Current Sexual Activity Section VII. Family Life and Sex Education (For Respondents Aged 15-24 years) Section VIII. Early Sexual Experience And Childbearing Section IX. General Attitudes and Opinions
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