Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

The Caucus provides a forum for the maternal health and family planning communities to come together, forge a common language for understanding maternal health supply-related challenges, and draw on existing approaches to address the bottlenecks undermining commodity security across health systems. Objectives include: 

  • Raising awareness of MHS security issues within the broader maternal health community and Coalition membership
  • Responding to knowledge gaps around MHS
  • Utilizing Coalition experiences, resources, and tools 

Open for Applications: New Small Grants Mechanism For Maternal Health

The RHSC Maternal Health Caucus is pleased to announce a new small grants mechanism to support the introduction and scale-up of new and lesser-used medicines for postpartum hemorrhage (NLUM-PPH) capable of preventing and treating PPH. This will include heat-stable carbetocin (HSC) for prevention of PPH and tranexamic acid (TXA) for the treatment of PPH.

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