Interested in the QuRHM project?
26th September 2012
The Concept Foundation today shared a briefing paper on the work of the Quality of Reproductive Health Medicines Project, or QuRHM. QuRHM is a unique project, funded by DFID through the Coalition, and implemented by the Concept Foundation. The focus of this project is on the following outputs:
Output 1 - Substantially increase the availability of affordable, quality assured reproductive health (RH) medicines for supply to less developed countries.
Output 2 - Harmonize policies and practices among the international procurement organizations being members of the RHSC.
Output 3 - Adopt internationally accepted policies and practices in selected countries having significant generic penetration, including strengthening national procurement and regulatory criteria and capacities in collaboration with UNFPA and WHO.
Output 4 - Raise awareness of the QuRHM programme and related quality issues among donors and other high-level stakeholders within the RHSC membership.
Read the latest information on the project here.
For more information, contact Lester Chinery at the Concept Foundation.
Categories: Featured, Systems Strengthening Working Group, Market Development Approaches Working Group