Country at Risk group make strides
1st January 2007
On 23 January, eight members of the Countries at Risk (CAR) group met by teleconference to affirm their support for the group and to agree upon basic operating rules and procedures. Among the key decisions reached was an agreement that any member bringing a country to the attention of the CAR would also provide the supply data required for the group to act upon it. At the meeting, three countries were discussed; Kenya-where UNFPA reported they had to procure and ship an emergency stock of contraceptives, while awaiting the arrival of KfWfunded commodities; Pakistan-where a future switch to basket funding by DFID may have implications for the supply of condoms for social marketing and Tanzania-where, despite good donor collaboration and sector support for RH, USAID has found it necessary to procure contraceptive stocks until the Government can complete its own procurement processes.
Finally, CAR agreed to the establishment of a small database on country-specific stock status information. The database will incorporate data gathered at country level by the Deliver Project as well as by UNFPA´s Country Commodity Manager (CCM) system, which is operational in about 90 countries. Assembly of the database would be spearheaded by the Secretariat, with the expectation that it would be taken over by one or more CAR group members.
Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group