Association for Public Health Logisticians takes root
26th March 2008
In May 2007, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT helped establish an association for public health logisticians working in low-resource countries called the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL), which is a forum for supply chain professionals to ask their peers critical questions about their current challenges. IAPHL currently has 150 supply chain management professionals from 39 countries. Nigeria has eleven members, followed by Ethiopia with nine, and Zimbabwe with six. The organization represents more than 35 different organizations, including more than 20 members from ministries of health, WHO, UNFPA, USAID, universities, social marketing firms, and several implementing agencies.
To learn more or to join the IAPHL, click here or go to You will receive more information after you submit your registration request.
Categories: Collaboration, Featured, Systems Strengthening Working Group