Quantification of Health Commodities: Community Case Management Companion Guide
Publication date: 2013
Inventory of Tools for Maternal Health Supplies Prepared by Maternal Health Technical Reference Team, 2013 Information Sheet Quantification of Health Commodities: Community Case Management Products Companion Guide Developer Supply Chains for Community Case Management (SC4CCM) Project/John Snow, Inc. (JSI) How to access the tool http://sc4ccm.jsi.com/files/2012/12/CCMQuantGuide.pdf Purpose This companion guide is intended to complement information on the preparation and supply planning steps in the DELIVER Project’s Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement (the main guide). The main guide describes how to conduct consumption-based forecasts for all commodity categories. This companion guide provides specific instructions for using this method and other methods to forecast requirements for age-appropriate community case management (CCM) medicines and products. The instructions include guidance on input data and assumptions required for pediatric CCM program forecasts. Audience This tool may be used by program managers, public sector staff, and others supporting forecasting and quantification for CCM programs. Language English Keywords quantification, forecasting, procurement, supply planning, community case management (CCM), child health
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