Bachelor of Science. Logistics Management

Regional Maritime University

The programme is run in collaboration with Shanghai Maritime University [SMU], China.

Global trends in industrial production, trade and transport has created the need for specialist training of manpower to fill important gaps that have emerged in logistics and supply chains e.g. warehousing/distribution, shipping and indeed total transport management documentation and etc.

The general objective is to educate and train supervisory/ middle level managers/operatives to handle the various activities in both domestic and international supply chains.

What is covered?

  • Transport Economics;
  • Transport Insurance;
  • Logistics System Planning & Design;
  • Storage and Distribution Management;
  • Logistics System Simulation;
  • Warehouse Practice and Research Methods.

Duration of Degree Programmes

The duration of the Degree Programmes is four (4) years or eight (8) semesters.

However, B.A Logistics students will have their Level 300 in SMU, China and full cost to be borne by students.

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  • Ghana

Academic Degree


Bachelor Degree


Long (+12 months)

  • English
  • In-Person

Programme website

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