Supply Information Database

What is the Supplies Information Database? How does it work?

The Supplies Information Database (SID) is an online reference library with more than 2,700 records on the status of reproductive health supplies. The library includes studies, assessments and other publications dating back to 1986, many of which are no longer available even in their country of origin. SID's user-friendly search and feedback features allow you to locate materials, download them and print. Documents can easily be searched by keyword, date and collection category. Continuously updated, SID offers you exclusive access to the latest supply information on more than 230 countries and territories worldwide.

Want to submit a publication? Learn how

To submit a document to SID, please send us an e-mail to with the file (in PDF format or a direct download link), title of the publication and source.

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Featured publication

Operationalizing the Coalition’s new workplan: The brief aims to help members of the Coalition’s working groups, caucuses and other implementing mechanisms define their part in furthering our new agenda.

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