Displaying results 41 to 60 out of 68

Published in 2010
Myanmar - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2010
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2010
Maldives - Demographic and Health Survey - 2010
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2010
Jordan - Demographic and Health Survey - 2010
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2010
Madagascar - Demographic and Health Survey - 2010
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2016
Zimbabwe - Demographic and Health Survey - 2016
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2007
Findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3 Syrian Arab Republic 2006: Preliminary Report
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2008
Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women: Albania Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Monitoring the situation of children and women: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2008
Georgia: Monitoring the situation of children and women: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Republic of Macedonia: Monitoring the situation of children and women: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005-2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Bangladesh: Monitoring the situation of children and women: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
République centrafricaine, Suivi de la Situation des Enfants et des Femmes, Résultats de l´enquête à indicateurs multiples couplée avec la sérologie VIH et anémie en RCA 2006 (MICS-3)
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Côte d'Ivoire: Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes: Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women: Findings from the Nigeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2007 (Preliminary Report)
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Togo: Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes: Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2008
República Dominicana: Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de. Propósitos Múltiples. (ENHOGAR 2006)
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey