Displaying results 61 to 80 out of 1,125

Published in 2004
Access to Medicines and Drug Regulation in Developing Countries: a Resource Guide for DFID
DFID Health Resource Centre

Published in 2003
Policy Issues in Planning and Finance: Targeting: A Key Element of National Contraceptive Security Planning
POLICY Publication (Policy Project, USAID/HPI)

Published in 2005
Lessons learned from phaseout of donor support in a national family planning program: The case of Mexico
RHSC: General

Published in 2007
Togo: Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes: Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Côte d'Ivoire: Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes: Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2006
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2007
Algerie Enquete Nationale a Indicateurs Multiples 2006: Suivi de lat Situation des Enfants et des Femmes
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2014
Expand Community-based Distribution of Injectable Contraceptives in Rivers State, Nigeria: A Call to Action for policymakers
POLICY Publication (Policy Project, USAID/HPI)