Displaying results 1,561 to 1,580 out of 1,637

Published in 2000
Lao - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Lebanon - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Lesotho - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Afghanistan - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Albania - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Algeria - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Azerbaijan - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Bolivia - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Botswana - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Burundi - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Cameroon - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Chad - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Bolivia - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2000
UNICEF (MICS) Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

Published in 2000
Nigeria - Demographic and Health Survey -2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2000
Zimbabwe - Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2000
Kazakhstan - Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2000
Tanzania - Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2000
Colombia - Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey

Published in 2000
India - Demographic and Health Survey - 2000
USAID (DHS) Demographic & Health Survey