Master in Logistics Management

Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech

The Master in Logistics Management aims to provide:

• To employees: - broadening their fields of expertise; - greater efficiency in their professional life; - new, exciting and highly responsible career prospects.

• For students: - additional high-level training; - significant experience in business (logistics and Supply Chain Management).


Semester 1

  • Module 1- General management
  • Module 2 - B to B Marketing
  • Module 3 - Human resources management
  • Module 4 - Quality management
  • Module 5 - Investigation techniques
  • Module 6 - Project management

Semester 2

  • Module 7 - International Trade Techniques
  • Module 8 - Production management
  • Module 9 - Company logistics
  • Module 10 - Supply logistics
  • Module 11 - Supply chain management
  • Module 12 - Logistics services

Semester 3

  • Module 13- Operational Techniques of Logistics
  • Module 14 - Distribution logistics
  • Module 15 - Logistics information and communication system
  • Module 16 - Team management in a logistics context
  • Module 17 - Logistics audit
  • Module 18 - Logistics Missions Semester 4 End of studies project (M19, M20, M21, M22, M23 and M24)

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  • Morocco

Academic Degree


Master degree


Long (+12 months)

  • French
  • In-Person

Programme website

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