Sixth Meeting, Bonn 2006

The Sixth Meeting

From October 19-20 2006, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition convened in Bonn, Germany for its sixth semi-annual meeting. The meeting, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), was held in the former offices of the German Chancellor, the Kanzleramt.

In light of the new opportunities resulting from the recent establishment of the Secretariat, the theme of this meeting was "taking stock and planning strategically for the future". One goal of the meeting was to achieve consensus on a series of expectations for the Coalition that members had expressed to the new Coalition Director. These included notions of the Coalition serving as a "brain trust" to generate new knowledge and tools; having the ability to maximize impact at country level; serving as an instrument for realizing members’ institutional goals and objectives; and serving as a vehicle for bringing about change through unity of purpose and action.

In keeping with the focus on planning for the future, the Coalition’s three Working Groups were asked to review and present their portfolios with a view towards defining next steps: where they expected to take their work and what changes, if any, would be required of the Coalition to facilitate that process. The groups were asked to focus on five areas of change: management, membership, money, measurement, and marketing.

Another notable feature of the Bonn meeting was the participation of delegations from two countries, Cambodia and Ethiopia, and of the Director of WAHO, the West African Health Organization. All contributed actively to the planning process and provided Coalition members with a "reality check" on the utility/feasibility of their ongoing and proposed work. Each delegation was made up of representatives from the public, private, social marketing sectors, as well as from civil society.

The meeting concluded with an interactive session by the Resource Mobilization and Awareness Working Group which aimed to identify key target audiences for future advocacy and messaging. In the process, participants identified five priority Coalition audiences: senior officials at Ministries of Health and Finance, other global health initiatives, bi- and multi-lateral donors and the countries they support, Coalition members, and country commodity supplies working groups.

The minutes of the meeting, as well as background papers/annexes, can be found by clicking on the links below:


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